
Prefabricated Container House

Jan 08 , 2021

Prefabricated Container Home Shipping Container House

Containers, being one of the indispensable needs for work sites, are preferred based on all such reasons that they are economic and practical, and can be manufactured both quickly and easily, transported by loading on to a trailer whenever necessary, and insulated according to the intended climatic conditions. We produce suitable solutions to meet every kind of needs and provide customized services to satisfied different requests.

We have alternative solutions to satisfy every requirement. Our containers preferred and used in workers, office, military camps and refugee camps, are ready to meet every kind of needs whether it is short-term living or permanent settlement. Our container products are assembled using only bolts and nuts for joining parts without welding process. We have stair landing and roof options for the containers house which you can use up to three storey putting them one over the other.

Advantage of the Prefabricated Container House:

First of all, the cost of container is 30% lower than that of traditional building, which is more suitable for individual small-scale operation;
Secondly, the construction period is short, more than 85% faster than the traditional structure, and the construction period can be as fast as 10 days;
At the same time, the container building can be moved;
In addition, container house is built without construction waste and noise pollution, which is green and environmental protection
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